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Free course curriculum

  1. 1
    • Introduction

    • how to hold a tuning fork

    • How to tap a tuning fork

    • How to choose a tool to tap a tuning fork

    • 7 chakra healing

    • Exercise to feel the tuning fork itself

    • Learning and awareness sharing form

    • Learn more about tuning fork healing

You can learn more in the subscription course.

*Tips for holding a tuning fork easier
*How to hold two or more tuning forks
*Tuning fork healing in the morning
*Tuning fork healing before sleep
*Exercise for a better future
*Record what you notice during healing


What students learned and what they experienced.


Everything especially feeling the tuning forks was interesting. I learned that you have to take deep breaths and relax before beginning the exercise.


I have learned how to hold, use and be beneficial with the forks through this training and I feel I am ready to learn further and to practice now.


The placement of the tuning forks to receive the most benefit.
Learning about the frequencies and how it’s vibrations elevate you towards the utmost healing.


This course is very easy to follow and to learn how to use the tuning forks.


I learned how to interact with a tuning fork. I learn the rhythm and pace of engaging this beautiful instrument. I felt the deep reverence in the process and in the world around that is available to us if we bring our open and honest heart.
(Barbara Collier)


I liked the basic things for handling the tuning fork. I really liked the exact chakra healing, the learning was clearly visible and easy to understand. Fantastic.


I learned that the frequency of the fork is what will make feel better. Very informational.


What I learned is really look at a fork. This was very surprising but I think it was also very nice to do.


This was a fantastic beginner course with so many tips and instructions to get someone started. I really appreciated the information and the way it was taught in videos, slowly and calmly. It really helped me absorb everything. Thank you so much for offering this course.


I just love the course and the person teaching it. It's so grounded.
When you put the fork next to you and you lie down next to it and see how you feel. I thought that was fascinating.
I learned how to hold the forks. And I learned how to tap the forks, And I learned where to hold the forks. I felt that it was a very nice concentrated course that made me feel like I was easily drawn into the Information and it didn't make me feel overwhelmed. And I'm very excited to get my forks. And start working with them.
(Chris B)


I learned how to be more confident with using a tuning fork, and how to use it to help me with greater consciousness and healing.
(Jenna Jones)


I enjoyed learning more of where to place the tuning forks for healing chakras. Alternative points. I also loved the sections on feeling the tuning fork and being conscious of our feelings and how it affects the tuning fork’s frequency. Thank you !
(Nancy Havlicek)


Feeling of oneness and you're an excellent teacher my friend.


I enjoyed this course. I had not heard before about the type of mallet vs. the hertz of the tuning fork. I will review and take notes on that for sure. I also appreciated the two exercises. Grateful for your generosity in offering this course.


I went through this course before receiving my tuning forks, and wow so beautiful! You truly have a wisdom beyond to help support us with connecting with using our tuning forks and how we interact with them. This is such a special course and so supportive!


Thank You for creating this course. It helped me so much. Especially the part about which activators or mallet types are best for different frequencies of tuning forks. I wrote down notes and this will help me when I am using my tuning forks. Thank You so much!


In this course I learnt to properly utilise tuning forks, that chakra healing can be done through sound waves; and that music that was playing in the background, itself is the most powerful resonator for me.


Every single piece of this course was informative. I learned the basics of using tuning forks such as how to hold and tap them. The “7 Chakras Healing” will get me started on healing myself in many ways (i.e., physically, mentally, and spiritually). I also really appreciate the two exercises given for a better future and the appreciation of senses. Excellent course!


All of the topics were good for me especially the ones that demonstrated the correct way to hold the tuning forks and how to activate them properly.
I also learned how to use them on the chakras. This was very good instruction for me because I already practice Reiki and I'm very familiar with the chakras.
(MI in Austin, TX)


Every video was so informative. I appreciated the information on how to hold and tap them correctly. I loved the video on the 7 chakras. The 2 exercises were also fascinating. What I took from the last one was to be intentional in what you feel and don't just go through life without really recognizing what things mean and how they make you feel. I really loved that. I loved the exercise for a better future and the idea that all those parts of you (past, present, future) are connected by your intention to do your best. I loved this course and appreciate it so much! Thank you!


Applying to tuning forks to the Chakras and bones for balancing and healing was fascinating! I tried it on myself and my son and saw instant results! I will be practicing more and getting deeper into this soon!


I am new to tuning forks so all was interesting!
This was a very good overview of what is needed to get started.


All of it was important to me.. I loved the hands on with my tuning fork the most.. I waited till I got mine to do the last two lessons and it was so relaxing.
I learned how to feel comfortable with my tuning forks and how to use them with love and honor. I learned how to listen and how to tune into the energy. I feel confident in using my tuning forks now.
(Toni L Price)


I learned how to become one with the instrument by feeling the vibration and hearing its frequencies.


I learned how to hold, activate/tap, and position tuning forks.
It made me feel confident that I can work with tuning forks, and that my relationship with the forks and with healing in general will evolve and that I can trust the process & BEGIN!
I interpreted the 'technique' as following your intuition & then the techniques will blossom from the seeds of your intentions.


I learned the introduction to tuning forks. Handling the tuning forks for optimum vibration duration and strength.
(Richard Dale)


I really liked the exercise at the end.
I learned the options for holding and using the tuning fork. The final exercise reaffirmed our connection to the universe.


This course was very informative and clear. Thank you!


The alternate chakra locations for bone vibrations was very helpful.


This course is very valuable. I learned how to hold and strike the tuning forks properly, how attune the chakras and to get to know my healing instrument. Thank you.


Handling Turning Forks and Root Chakra, great info and visual.


Excellent course! I learned how to use tuning forks for chakra healing and the exact positions to place them on the body for the best results.
Thank you for sharing your knowledge.


I learned the difference between how to let the bones and body vibrate using a tuning fork and just ringing it.
Now I'm aware of the details of how to use tuning forks.
Thank you for your valuable course.


The video of how to hold multiple tuning forks was helpful.
I was also very impressed with the part tapping a tuning fork with a peaceful mind.
That really changes the sound.


I'd never thought holding multiple tuning forks together.
This is a nice way to use.
I felt like I was in the sound even though I used only two tuning forks.
And that was very comfortable and relaxing.


Thank you for your tuning fork healing online course.
The explanation with the skeleton model was nice and easy to understand.
I had used tuning forks for a while but I didn’t know better usage.
Now, I learned they are useful for chakra healing.
I use the forks more than before now.


I watched the video of chakra healing and used solfeggio forks for that.
I felt the resonance well and the energy of my body became clear.
I learned a lot from your course.
Thank you.
(Yuko Sunada)


I used to use a concert ball to hold multiple forks, but holding with five fingers is much more practical, easier and quicker.
When I healed myself with your chakra healing video, I felt the sound deeper, especially in 3rd and 5th chakra.
After I finished 7 chakra healing, I felt my body got energized.
I'd like to remember this sensation all the time.



Satoru Ogawa (Hoshikawa)

Sound healing artist
Owner of sound healing shop

When I was a student, I was interested in British art and music.
So I went to the Devon School of Guitar Making in the UK and learned how to make stringed musical instruments from Mr. Chris Eccleshall who made guitars and basses for David Bowie, Pete Townshend, Rory Gallagher, Paul Weller, Peter hook etc.
Chris used to work at W.E. Hill & Sons (a famous violin dealer and maker) , so I was able to learn about many types of stringed musical instruments.

I lived two years in Totnes, southwest of England, which is known as a transition town (which aims to increase self-sufficiency to reduce the potential effects of peak oil, climate destruction, and economic instability).
There are quite many people who are interested in healing, spirituality, organic, vegetarians. And I was influenced by them, then became a vegetarian and started learning about healing.

After coming back to Japan, I love music and healing, so I started a shop of sound healing tools, such as tuning forks, singing bowls, tingshaws, energy chimes, and also healing wand (magic wand). I have supplied them to more than 6000 people since 2009.

I create music and videos of the cosmic octave (a theory to convert the orbital period of the planets into sound frequency and BPM). And I also design and carve healing wands.

I keep on learning music, guitar from Paul Gilbert (Mr. BIG), bass from Kai Eckhardt (bassist of John McLaughlin Trio), Kanjira (south Indian percussion) from Ganesh Kumar.
I put the essence of what I learned from them in this course.

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